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Up To $140.85 In BSB Championship Savings! 

To make sure you don’t miss any of Ohio State’s quest for another national championship, we are offering you one of our most popular promotions, the Championship Rollback special, with its return to a subscription price of $58, the same as it was when Ohio State won the 2002 national championship. That’s a $46.95 savings over the regular $104.95 rate.

And to make sure your subscription doesn’t lapse anytime soon, you can lock in at this rate for up to three years — a potential $140.85 savings.

Hurry! This offer ends Nov. 26, 2022.

Fill out the form below to subscribe now.

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    1. One Year Regular Mail

    I agree to be charged $58 for a 1 Year REGULAR MAIL subscription

    One Year Regular-Mail Subscription – Championship Rollback Special ($58)

    2. One Year First-Class Mail

    I agree to be charged $128 for a 1 Year FIRST-CLASS MAIL subscription

    One Year First-Class Subscription – Championship Rollback Special ($128)

    3. Two Years Regular Mail

    I agree to be charged $116 for a 2-Year REGULAR-MAIL subscription

    Two-Year Regular-Mail Subscription – Championship Rollback Special ($116)

    4. Two Years First-Class Mail

    I agree to be charged $256 for a 2-Year FIRST-CLASS MAIL subscription

    Two-Year First-Class Subscription – Championship Rollback Special ($256)

    5. Three Years Regular Mail

    I agree to be charged $174 for a 3-Year REGULAR-MAIL subscription

    Three-Year Regular-Mail Subscription – Championship Rollback Special ($174)

    6. Three Years First-Class Mail

    I agree to be charged $384 for a 3-Year FIRST-CLASS MAIL subscription

    Three-Year First-Class Subscription – Championship Rollback Special ($384)

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